Hot Wheels Camaro

by Chas Sinklier
Hot Wheels Camaro
Chas Sinklier
Photograph - Digital Photography
Hot Wheels Camaro is the Extension of Years of Consumer Marketing from Giants in two industries and you can have a Hot Rod Poster of it from VivaChas! - Ha! It's bright and cheery and lets everyone know where you stand! Or sit if you're driving one of these bewdies! Get the mug, a notebook or even a shower curtain! Looks Fantastic!! You know you want one! ~:0) VivaChas!
March 3rd, 2014
Comments (7)

Flees Photos
fantastic image Chas
Chas Sinklier replied:
Thanks Flees Photos - don't know what keeps me making art - been at it long than most people have been alive - guess I'm addicted to the process! My personal observation has been that most people have blank walls. Haa! ~;0) VivaChas!

Don Columbus
Congratulations, your work is Featured in "All Automotive Artworks" I invite you to place it in the group's "2020-2021 Featured Image Archive" Discussion!! L

Bill Cannon
Congratulations on your sale!!!
Chas Sinklier replied:
Thanks Bill - this print image sells steadily as a T-Shirts from my HotRodneyHotRods website so I thought - Why Not a Camaro Print of the same order as the shirt - Makes it more fun! ~:0) VivaChas Hot Rod Art!